For appointments, please call us at 6348 8346 (Tg Katong) or 6732 0273 / 6970 7070 (River Valley)


Pet doctors in Singapore
Our Facilities

Operating Theatres

Pet doctors in Singapore
Our state of the art operating theatres are equipped with Drager patient monitoring systems which monitor a patient’s vital signs while under anaesthesia, including important parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, SP02 and ETCO2. We also use advanced LigaSure sealing devices to seal blood vessels, which greatly reduces the amount of time our patients are under anaesthesia, and significantly reduces bleeding, inflammation and pain.

In addition to operating theatres, we have multiple fully equipped wet prep areas where our patients undergo minor procedures such as dental scaling, wound management, subcutaneous fluid administration, and minor surgical procedures under local anaesthesia.

Our state of the art operating theatres are equipped with Drager patient monitoring systems which monitor a patient’s vital signs while under anaesthesia, including important parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, SP02 and ETCO2. We also use advanced LigaSure sealing devices to seal blood vessels, which greatly reduces the amount of time our patients are under anaesthesia, and significantly reduces bleeding, inflammation and pain.
In addition to operating theatres, we have multiple fully equipped wet prep areas where our patients undergo minor procedures such as dental scaling, wound management, subcutaneous fluid administration, and minor surgical procedures under local anaesthesia.
Pet doctors in Singapore
Pet doctors in Singapore
Our Facilities

Diagnostic Imaging

Our clinics are equipped with the latest ultrasound, digital x-ray and dental x-ray machines to allow for quick, non-invasive approaches in the investigation of various conditions.

Pet doctors in Singapore
Our Facilities

In-House Laboratory Suite

Pet doctors in Singapore

We utilise a complete suite of in-house haematology and biochemistry analysers from IDEXX Laboratories and Bionote USA. Within minutes, we can obtain critical information about our patients’ health status through analysing their blood samples.

  • Procyte Dx ® and LaserCyte® Hematology Analyzers – Laser flow cytometry-based hematology analyzers
  • Catalyst Dx ® and Catalyst One Chemistry Analyzers – Biochemistry, electrolytes and urine protein:creatinine ratio, Phenobarbitone levels, CRP test, Fructosamine test
  • SediVue urine analyzer
  • SNAPshot Dx ® Analyzer – Total T4 (thyroid testing), bile acids (liver testing), cortisol (Cushing’s and Addison’s Disease testing), cPLi/fPLi (pancreatitis testing), proBNP
  • In-house Specs fPL, Specs cPL, VacciCheck
  • Feacal test including Feacal floatation